Coalmont OHV Park
Where are you located?
Our address is 2605 B Mine Rd, Tracy City TN 37387. We are located approximately halfway between Nashville and Chattanooga off of I-24 at the top of the South Cumberland Plateau. We are approx. 25 miles from exits 127, 134 or 135.
How much does it cost to ride?
Please visit our Park Pass And Fees page at coalmontohcpark.com/parkpassandfees
What are the office hours?
Wednesday and Thursday, (9 AM - 3 PM) Friday,(8 AM - 6 PM)and Saturday, (8 AM - 6 PM), Sunday,( 8 AM - 4 PM) Office closed Monday and Tuesday. ( please Purchase passes online and screenshot your receipt and waiver when office is closed)
BATHOUSE CLOSED MONDAY AND TUESDAY. (unless campers are present)
Is there a map of the trails in the park?
A paper map is available at the office and you can find a GPS map on Polaris Ride Command.
How many acres are in the park?
How many miles of trails do you have?
We currently have 40 miles of trails.
How difficult are the trails?
We will have Easy, Moderate, Difficult, and Extremely Difficult trails.
What offroad vehicles are allowed at the park?
The park will be for ATVs, UTV/ROV/SxS, Full Size, and dirt bikes (however no single-track trails at this time).
Do we sell Merchandise?
Yes! t-shirts, long sleeves, hoodies, sweatshirts, and other items are available for purchase at the office!